Complaint and Grievance PolicyĀ 

At CoachPath Academy, we are committed to creating a learning environment built on mutual respect, integrity, and open communication. Our faculty and staff are highly qualified professionals dedicated to delivering the best possible coaching education, always with the best of intentions. We recognize, however, that concerns may arise, and we believe that addressing these with mutual understanding is a shared responsibility.

Student Responsibility and Perspective:

At CoachPath Academy, we encourage all students to take ownership of their experiences and perspectives. We believe that personal responsibility is a cornerstone of growth, both in coaching and in life. If a student encounters a situation that causes discomfort or concern, we trust that they will first seek to understand and communicate their perspective with compassion and clarity. We encourage students to engage in open dialogue with the individuals involved, recognizing that challenges can often lead to opportunities for deeper understanding and personal growth. We expect our students to expect the best from everyone involved with CoachPath Academy, including themselves.

Informal Resolution Process:

Whenever possible, we encourage students to resolve any concerns informally by:

  • Engaging in open and respectful conversation with the relevant individual(s), whether that be a fellow student, staff member, or faculty.
  • Reflecting on the situation and considering multiple perspectives to facilitate a constructive conversation.

Our goal is to support students in resolving issues independently, fostering an environment of growth, self-awareness, and mutual respect.

Formal Grievance Process:

In the event that an informal resolution is not successful, or a more formal approach is required, students may proceed with the following steps:

  1. Submission of Grievance:
    • If necessary, students may submit a formal grievance in writing to the Student Support Director. The written grievance should include a clear description of the concern, any efforts made to resolve it informally, and relevant dates or individuals involved.
  2. Review and Response:
    • The Student Support Director will acknowledge receipt within five (10) business days and conduct a review to determine the appropriate steps to address the issue. A written response will be provided within thirty (45) days.
  3. Resolution and Responsibility:
    • We emphasize that students are responsible for their personal perspective and engagement within our community. CoachPath Academy seeks to maintain an environment of mutual respect, and it is important that students demonstrate a willingness to engage in solutions in a constructive and positive manner. If a student is unable to align with the values of the Academy or continues to have difficulties interacting with the staff or faculty, they may be asked to reconsider their fit within the program.

Expulsion Policy:

Confidentiality and Non-Retaliation:

We value confidentiality throughout this process, and any concerns will be handled with discretion. Additionally, no student will face retaliation for raising a concern or engaging in the grievance process. However, while it is rare, CoachPath Academy reserves the right to discontinue the enrollment of any student who, despite efforts to resolve issues, remains unable to engage constructively within the community. This decision would be made with care and only after all reasonable avenues for resolution have been explored. Our priority is to maintain a positive and supportive learning environment for all members of our community. The expulsion may or may not include a refund of fees paid depending on the length of time the student has been in the program as outlined in the enrollment agreement. It is up to the student to assess CoachPath Academy for an overall vibe fit before enrolling.Ā 

Partial Completion Policy

At CoachPath Academy, we understand that life circumstances can sometimes interfere with the ability to complete a program. We are committed to supporting our students through challenges, but we also uphold the value of commitment to the program once enrollment has been completed. This policy outlines the terms for handling partial completion of our programs.

No Refunds for Non-Emergency Withdrawals:

Students are expected to fully commit to the program once they have enrolled. If a student loses interest, chooses to discontinue, or withdraws from the program for personal reasons that are not considered emergencies, no refund will be provided for the tuition or fees already paid. We encourage all students to carefully consider their commitment before enrolling.

Emergency Withdrawal:

We recognize that emergencies can arise unexpectedly. In cases of genuine and verifiable emergencies, such as:

  • Serious illness or injury,
  • A death in the immediate family,
  • Other unforeseen and significant life events,

students may submit a formal request for an emergency withdrawal. This request must include:

  • A written explanation of the circumstances,
  • Relevant documentation (such as a doctor's note, hospital records, etc.),

Emergency withdrawal requests will be reviewed by the Student Support Director on a case-by-case basis. If approved, students may be eligible for one of the following options:

  1. Program Deferment: Students may defer their participation and resume their studies in a future cohort, subject to availability and approval by the Academy.
  2. Partial Refund: In extreme cases where deferment is not possible, a partial refund may be considered based on the portion of the program already completed. The amount of the refund will be determined based on the percentage of the program completed prior to withdrawal, less any non-refundable fees.

Procedure for Emergency Withdrawal:

  1. Notification: Students must notify the Student Support Director as soon as possible when an emergency arises that affects their ability to continue the program.
  2. Documentation: Emergency withdrawal requests must be submitted in writing and include relevant documentation to support the claim.
  3. Review and Decision: The Student Support Director will review the request and documentation within ten (10) business days and provide a written response outlining the decision and any next steps.

Re-Enrollment After Withdrawal:

Students who withdraw from the program, whether due to an emergency or other reasons, may apply to re-enroll in a future cohort. Re-enrollment will be subject to space availability and may require the payment of current tuition fees.

Commitment to Program Engagement:

We encourage all students to remain engaged in the program to the best of their ability and to seek support from faculty or staff if challenges arise. CoachPath Academy is committed to helping students navigate difficulties and will provide resources and guidance to ensure they can successfully complete the program whenever possible

Hereā€™s a draft of a Fee Policy for CoachPath Academy that ensures all fees are paid before graduation:

Fee Policy

At CoachPath Academy, we are committed to providing high-quality education and training to our students. In return, we expect timely payment of tuition and fees to ensure the continued delivery of our programs. This policy outlines the payment requirements and deadlines that must be met by all students in to remain in good standing and be eligible for graduation.

Tuition and Fees:

  • Total Program Tuition: $[5900.00] (for the entire Level 1 program including 10 Hours of Mentor Coaching and exam.Ā 
  • Additional Fees: If you do not pass your initial performance evaluation exam, you will be required to have an additional 4 hours of Mentor coaching at a fee of $525.00 and an additional exam fee of $ 125.00.Ā Ā 

Payment Due Dates:

Students are required to pay tuition and fees according to the following schedule:

  • Deposit: $550.00 due upon enrollment to secure the student's place in the program or to be paid in accordance with the current payment schedule listed here (Angee: this goes back to the tuition section)Ā 
  • Payment Plan: Students who opt for a payment plan must make payments on time according to the agreed-upon schedule.
  • Final Payment Deadline: All outstanding tuition and fees must be paid in full as agreed or CoachPath Academy will terminate enrollment and enrollment verification.

Consequences of Non-Payment:

Students who fail to meet the payment deadlines will be subject to the following consequences:

  • Access Suspension: If payment is not received by the due date, access to course materials, coaching sessions, and online resources may be temporarily suspended until the account is brought current.
  • Ineligibility for Graduation: Students with outstanding balances will not be eligible to graduate or receive any certification from CoachPath Academy until all tuition and fees have been paid in full.
  • Holds on Transcripts and Certifications: Official transcripts, certificates, and other documentation of program completion will be withheld until the balance is paid in full.

Payment Methods:

CoachPath Academy accepts the following payment methods:

  • Credit or Debit Cards
  • Bank Transfers ā€“ Please contact the Student Support Director.
  • Payment Plans (if applicable)

Late Fees:

A late fee of $100.00 may be applied to any payment that is not received by the scheduled due date. Continuous late payments may result in further disciplinary action, including withdrawal from the program.

Financial Hardship:

We understand that unexpected financial challenges may arise. If a student is experiencing financial hardship, they are encouraged to reach out to the Student Support Director to discuss alternative payment arrangements. Any accommodation will be made at the discretion of the Academy and must be agreed upon in writing.

Refund Policy:

The refund policy, including details of eligibility and deadlines, is outlined in the Refund Policy section of this Agreement. Please refer to that document for more information on withdrawal and refund requests.

Graduation and Certification Requirements:

To be eligible for graduation and to receive certification, students must:

  1. Successfully complete all coursework and program requirements.
  2. Pay all tuition and fees in full, including any outstanding balances or late fees.

Students who do not meet these financial obligations will not be permitted to graduate or receive certification until all payments have been completed.